by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:10 am
I don't know if it's poor judgement as much as it is peer pressure that causes teens to make bad mistakes. Long before teenagers were becoming vampires and drinking each others blood, they were drag racing, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, engaging in sexuality, joining street gangs and a whole host of activities. Very often an activity is against their "better juedgment," but when they are at a party, and some one passes around a joint, the temptation to taka a hit and "don't be a dork" is very strong. When a teen picks up his buddies to go to a movie or something, and they start egging him on to speed, or to beat a train at the rail road crossing, or to drag race with the group of teens in the car next to him, the choice he has to make is do the right thing and have his friends think he's a "wimp," or to cave in to peer pressure and risk an accident.
I've been there and done that. I did some things that I am not at all proud of when I was young. I will give one example of something that I did when I was young that went way against my "better judgement." I was 15, and had just gotten my learners permit. I was not allowed to drive without an experienced licensed driver in the car. Then I got to talking with a couple of friends of mine, and they though: "Hey, how about you sneak the car out tonight and we can cruise for chicks." It was against my judgement, but fear of losing my friends caused me to make the wrong decision. I was not caught by the cops, and did nto come to any serious grief, but my father was waiting for me in the garage when I got home. I betrayed his trust, and it could have been a disaster had I been caught.