by uncletor » Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:07 pm
Howie ain't dressen up. Howie don't go there. He is a wonderful guy, a terrific family man, brillant comedian, and has a work load that would kill a Spartan..but he is ALSO very very into a clean personal space. Okay..he's down right germ-a-phobic..when DEAL OR NO DEAL came to Canada for a some shows between EVERY commercial break, some crew would come out and clean EVERYTHING that people touch..the button, the table, the cover over the button, the whole deal....come to think of it, he probably would't dig the contestants dressing up too much to begin with.
LET'S MAKE A DEAL started small with people making signs and wearing maybe a hat to get grew, OKAY mutated from there..
The BEST game show's success story was THE PRICE IS RIGHT. It almost got cancelled. Then one day, they brought an elephant on stage, the contestants were to guess how much it was worth.The dang thing takes a DUMP. On stage. The audience is killing themselves. The director is throwing a fit..he thinks he will never work in the biz he switches the camera to the announcer (thjs is before Bob Barker)...who is doubled over, laughing. He CAN'T take the camera back to the he puts it on the only person who WASN'T laughing..the elephant...
THE PRICE IS RIGHT was an overnight hit...the rest is history..
Future events such as these will effect you in the future