Paranormal State - An Arthas Review

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Alan Wake
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Paranormal State - An Arthas Review

Post by Alan Wake » Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:43 pm

I have never seen such a terrible ghost hunter knock off in my life. It's conducted by amateurs, who never find a shred of evidence. Not to mention, it's more like "The Blair Witch Project" because mostly they just run around in the dark saying "Oh my God! What's that?!", then it cuts to commercial. When it returns from commercial, it's just another team member messing around.

These people are amateurs in the worse sense of the word. They don't attempt to make any scientific progress, they only give cheap "scares" (I lol'd at their attempts to frighten me.). The ONLY episode that had a shred of interest to it was an episode where they went to a ranch in a Colorado mountain range where there were sightings of odd creatures (Such as gargoyles) and alien spacecraft landing in the woods, or sighted above the woods. Their psychic they brought along, Chip Coffey, predicted the aliens would be overhead at approximately 10 PM. A prediction that came true.

They saw multiple objects in the sky at that time which they quickly figured wasn't a satellite when they check NASA's tracker. That was the only one I actually enjoyed. Another horrible episode was when they attempted to find the elusive "mothman", a mutant fabled to exist in urban legends. While looking to the skies with their binoculars, they saw what they believed to be a "red reflection of an eye."

...Which quickly was revealed after a sudden commercial break to be a radio tower's red light.

Another bad feature of this show is the frequent "Director's Log" segments which review the lead guy's findings. During these segments, the audio shifts to horrible audio quality while the guy talks. Is this needed? Is this Star Trek? It doesn't add anything to the episode, it's just filler.

This show is terrible. If you want a good (Or half-way decent) paranormal show, go watch these.

UFO Hunters on the History Channel.

Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Ghost Adventures on the A&E Channel.


"But nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear." - Stephen King

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