The Easter Bunny will be hopping along that bunny trail soon

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The Easter Bunny will be hopping along that bunny trail soon

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:08 pm

Easter is almost here folks. We're gonna have an early easter dinner this sunday.
I suppose my favorite part about easter is the chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. Oh yeah, and I don't like just any jelly beans, I gotta have my jelly bellys. But I also really like cadbury eggs and the chocolate bunnys. This year, I saw some lindt lindor chocolate absolute favorite kind of an egg shape. I got one and it was really good.
I kind of miss coloring eggs and the easter egg hunts though. When I was little they used to have them here in town, and my mom and dad would take me to grandma's to go to that egg hunt in the park. There would be candy inside the eggs, and sometimes if you were lucky and found one of the gold or silver eggs you'd get money.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
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Re: The Easter Bunny will be hopping along that bunny trail soon

Post by OctoberChill » Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:52 am

We still color eggs. I wish I could go on an Easter egg hunt again though. Nothing like it. I remember always going to church and then going to the park afterwards to hunt eggs and take pictures in the bluebonnets. Fond childhood memories...

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Re: The Easter Bunny will be hopping along that bunny trail soon

Post by Andybev01 » Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:42 pm

Don't stop doing something that you enjoy. I color eggs every year for Easter even though I'm not a 'believer'.

I believe in deviled eggs :-)

A few years ago I noticed that Brach's stopped selling my all-time favorite Easter candy. I don't know the actual name but they were 2 inch long eggs.
The interior was whipped sugar, like a marshmallow but their was still sugar bits in it so it was gritty.
The shell was almost hard candy, solid but chewy too.

I miss those things.
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Re: The Easter Bunny will be hopping along that bunny trail soon

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:24 am

I am going to barbecue (weather permitting) a fresh ham out on the barbecue. There will also be sweet potatos, corn and a chocolate wipped cream cake for desert. I do plan to color a few eggs, but the little ones won't be there this year so I will not bother to hide them. My younger sister is bringing Deviled Eggs and a slad. My brothers and sisters are comming over.


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