For the past couple of years my parents have slowly allowed my two brothers and I to build, a Halloween set in their front yard. The first year we started, was just a mausoleum, a facade to the front deck with a graveyard gate and tombstones. Two years later we built a pirate ship, well more or less 1/4 of a pirate ship, including the captain's quarters where the mausoleum facade lay the years before. 36ft long and 25ft tall, you could see the flag above the houses of the neighborhood.
This year, we went all out. With running water from the water tower, to a burning saloon, falling roof and all, to the all awaited candy bowl in the out house, we brought to Flagstaff, Arizona something they've never seen before.
There are more then this but I thought I'd post these few pics. It was remarkable at night with the burning barn soundtrack and fake flame effects. On top of that, smoked billowing out front all windows and doors.
If anyone has any idea on who I can contact to get better at this and work on a proffesional level, that'd be awesome. More pics to come!
Trick the devil into an apple tree and for all eternity you'll carry a turnip on fire .... I'll stick with the pumpkin....