by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:03 pm
I'm not alergic as I eat a lot of foods that have milk in them. It's, for lack of a better term, an adversion. It totaly grosses me out to the point that I can't handle even looking at pictures of it. There's a comercial on tv where you see this little boy spilling milk all over himself and on the floor. I actualy started to gag, and had to leave the room until that comercial was over.
Another time while at a religious retreat, it was breakfast time. The guy next to me had one of these one-serving boxes of corn flakes and a half pint of milk. As soon as that milk hit the flakes, my appitite was gone. I don't know why that is, because I use to put milk on my cerial all the time when I was little. But as an adult, I can't stand so much as the sight of milk.
Go figure.