First up, I've re-worked parts of the ID badges. I think we have a final design now. I should be able to put my entire badge together sometime this week and have it laminated. My husband's will have to be done on or around Halloween because he's having his hair done Sweeny-Todd-Like and we want the photos to match. Right now, I just have some clipart on the badge as a place holder.
Next up are those Toe-Tags I worked on. I bought the large tags for cheap at Office Depot. Then I touched up this free toe tag (PDF file found here) in Photoshop, printed out some labels on address label paper (size Avery 5163), stuck 'em on, and viola! Perfect Toe-Tags.
Lastly, I've been working on a PVC shell for the gurney. I still have to paint the parts that will show silver. I also need to add some PVC to better support the railing and to keep the whole thing on the table better. I will also eventually (I hope) draw up some plans for the thing when I've finished. The idea behind the gurney is to have a dummy laying on it and we'll pull candy out of his chest (that's why the cauldron is there). The phonebook is there to support the cauldron. You'll also note that I have an "infected fun blood" IV-Bag hanging from the arm there. I plan on buying some tubing to connect to it (It's about $3/roll at Home Depot) and running the thing into the dummy... where I may or may not connect it to a fish tank pump and have blood spurt out... I'm not really one for gore, so... probably not... but the option is available. I'll buy sheets in August or whenever "back to school" sales hit. PVC cost about $20. The table was $50 (we didn't have one before). The project didn't take long either... maybe 90 minutes...
Anyway... that's how far I've gotten so far. I really hope things come together alright. There are a few details I need to work out still... =)