Do you believe go ghosts?

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Haunt Master

Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:19 am

Yes, I believe that a living thing energy, somehow, goes on... I used to think that what people were seeing was an imprint - but after something one strange encounter, I definitely believe that after death ones consciousness can continue on in another forum. 8)

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Ghost » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:13 am

I'm right there with you. There is definately something out there and I'm sure there are alot of people backing you up on that one.

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:17 pm

I certainly do. I've had a couple experiences that have convinced me.

I definitely think that some hauntings are imprints in the fabric of time. Like when people can hear gunshots and cannon blasts or screams from soldiers near old Civil War sites. It gets burned into the place for whatever reason.

Then you have your conscious ghosts who I think are just people that never crossed over. They may not know they're dead or may just not want to leave. Either way it's fascinating. Lets you know that there's more to this world than meets the eye.

Haunt Master

Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:28 pm

For instance, when I went to bed... about a few minutes, the light was automatically turned on and off and when I woke up going check around... See nothing! :shock:

When I went back to bed again, a few mintues later, someone turned the music on up the stairs, so I got angry and walked up there to see who's in the house?? Well, there's NOBODY!!! I turned the music OFF!

Then I went back to bed again after that, I heard the water running in the kitchen and I got up going to turn it off... I decided to check all around the house to ensure all the doors and windows are locked! Everything's secured! I begun wondering if there are some ghosts in my house!?!? I talked to my girlfriend about this, and she didn't hear anything because she's asleep deeply! :?

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:59 pm


Sounds like you've got yourself a ghost/poltergeist!

Is it an older house? How long have you lived there?

Haunt Master

Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:08 pm

OctoberChill wrote::shock:

Sounds like you've got yourself a ghost/poltergeist!

Is it an older house? How long have you lived there?

I live here in this house since I was baby in 1975, but this house is owned by my grandfather in 1955. So this house was built in 1950, no one wanted to buy for 5 years, then my grandfather decided to take this house. I believe this house has been haunted since like 1987-1988... It's still haunting me!! :shock: I didn't see any ghosts before, but heard something strange in the house, even outside in the backyard. I don't see anything... I wish I would have my own video cam, so I can catch some ghosts on it, perhaps not?? I really don't know how to say this...

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Ghost » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:30 pm

Ghost experiances definately happen, but so far you only named two hauntings, the imprint type and the fully conscience living type. There are two more. One is a person who is not dead and putting bad energy into an area, almost like an automatic ghost maker. The other type is the worst, demons! You don't want those in your house!! :o

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:48 pm

I don't think demons so much haunt a place as they do a person. They seem to be attached to people. Which either way sucks :shock: I've never had any personal experiences with them nor do I ever want to. But I definitely believe they exist as well.

Grim Reaper, so there's always been haunting type things going on there huh? It may be an instance of the land being haunted i.e. Native Americans, old cemetery perhaps. Is your grandpa still alive if I may ask?

A few years back me and my girlfriend at the time lived in some brand new apartments. We were the first ones to ever live in that particular apartment. All kinds of weird things happened. She said she even woke up one night to see a small girl standing in our bedroom. She appeared to be dark skinned and didn't have much clothing on. Then just disappeared. Crazy. I'm guessing those apartments weren't the first thing to be built on that land...

Haunt Master

Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:38 pm


To answer the question to you... Actually, yes, my grandfather is still alive and he's 84, still healthy. He once told me this land was owned by the Indians long, long times ago... Some indian burials around here long, long times ago, but they're gone! Maybe that's why we have spirits around here for many, many years, maybe? I really don't know. I also happened to have next door neighbor who told me before about a ghost of a beautiful indian girl, when she speaks to her and she walked away disappearring. Sounds strange?

And, for those demons, I believe they are still undead things and they do walk around the Earth. Some people state they saw demons, trolls, gnomes, etc. But I, myself, never seen them before... Well, are they real or fiction? :shock:

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Rising Dead Man » Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:43 pm

But why would a ghost haunt your house Grim? Why do they stay on Earth and choose your house to live in? And why do they mess with your things like lights and the sink? Anyways I believe in ghosts but I think they would have to stay on Earth for a very good reason. When you die you want to be with God. Why don't they want to leave? I think trolls, gnomes and stuff like that is fake. But I beleive demons are real . Demons are people like us who left heaven before any of us were born. They now live with Satan and can never have a body. And sometimes they may go to Earth as spirits.
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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:23 pm

I'm a believer!
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:52 am

Native American ghosts are prevalent all over the place. I guess they had such a deep spirituality that they tend to stick around even though their physical bodies die.

I think gnomes, fairies, etc. exist one way or another. Maybe on a different plane of existence than us, but sometimes one world can kinda bleed over into the other.

I'm a firm believer that most myths come from some kind of truth. The same things described by many different cultures who never even made contact with eachother. Makes you wonder.

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Re: Do you believe go ghosts?

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:15 pm

OctoberChill wrote:Native American ghosts are prevalent all over the place. I guess they had such a deep spirituality that they tend to stick around even though their physical bodies die.

I think gnomes, fairies, etc. exist one way or another. Maybe on a different plane of existence than us, but sometimes one world can kinda bleed over into the other.

I'm a firm believer that most myths come from some kind of truth. The same things described by many different cultures who never even made contact with eachother. Makes you wonder.
Like the pottery and carvings in South America depicting objects that look a lot like airplanes and/or astronauts even though they were made 100's or 1000's of years ago!
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.

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