Easy Paper Lanterns How-to

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Easy Paper Lanterns How-to

Post by Wicked » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:51 pm

These lanterns are very enjoyable to make and very speedy as well- they only take about 40 seconds to make each.

What you'll need:
Sheets of orange, black, red or purple standard 8x11 construction paper (1 sheet = 2 lanterns)
Tape, glue, or a stapler

So! Here we go!

Step 1: Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half, the short way (or the 'hamburger' way).

Step 2: Cut along your fold. Each half will create one lantern.

Step 3: Fold a half the long way, or the 'hot dog' way.

Step 4: Keeping the fold facing you, cut 1"-2" slits halfway up the fold.

Step 5: Unfold the half.

Step 6: Now, take the ends of the half and connect them, creating a circle with slits in the middle.

Step 7: Tape, glue, or staple these ends together.

Step 8: Press the ends of the lantern together, using your palms. The slits will fold down the middle where you originally folded the half, creating this nice lantern-y shape.

This is what your lanterns will look like! You can use smaller or larger paper according to taste.

What I also like to do is hole punch the top of the lanterns and string them across my party room; creates a very nice touch!

Have fun!!
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Post by magickbean » Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:50 pm

Omg! I used to make these wih my mum when I was a little kid!!!! I saw it on a reaaaaaalllly old black and white video I had (from the 50's I think!?) called "Watch with Mother" and I thought they were the best thing ever. I had completely forgotten about them, and how easy they are to make! Thank you SO much for the nostalgia - and the cool idea for quick and easy decorations! :D


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Post by Wicked » Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:24 pm

Glad you enjoy them... yes, they are very retro :D
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Re: Easy Paper Lanterns How-to

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:56 am

I remember making similar ones in grade school! Very nice step by step instructions!

I'm sure I can find a way to mess them up though.

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Post by Andybev01 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:52 pm

magickbean wrote:Omg! I used to make these wih my mum when I was a little kid!!!! I saw it on a reaaaaaalllly old black and white video I had (from the 50's I think!?) called "Watch with Mother" and I thought they were the best thing ever. I had completely forgotten about them, and how easy they are to make! Thank you SO much for the nostalgia - and the cool idea for quick and easy decorations! :D
"Watch with Mother" would be a great name for a scary movie. :twisted:
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.

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