Its really simple....
_its a 4 person game
_The deck consists of only face cards and 10's and 9s
_Then everyone is dealt 5 cards
_the kitty is placed in the middle with one card turned up
_everyone takes turns deciding weather to order up the face card deciding by whats in their hands
-If everyone passes and it makes it around to the dealer....and the dealer wants that suit...then they would pick up the card...and discard one of their lower cards.
_if no one wants the up card then its turned over and everone takes turns deciding weather they want to call the strongest suit in their hands
_Once a suit is called everyone takes turns trying to trump eachothers cards
_never trump your partners cards though lol
_Whatever suit is called before the hand begins is Trump (so it overpowers any of the other suits)
__Highest to lowest trump cards are J of that suit, J of the suit of the same color, A,K,Q,10,9
-If a card is thrown and you cannot follow suit, then you would throw one of the trump cards
Thats all i can think of right now... but heres a good link that explains the game just in case i didnt explain it well enough lol ... euchre.htm