by Yombe » Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:05 pm
I usually make my own Halloween cards. One year I did a group of hand-drawn witches around a cauldron on the front, and the inside read, "Nothing says lovin' like something from the coven." Another year I did a coin with hand-drawn Frankenstein profile on the front, with "In Scare We Trust, 20XX." Last year (my best ever, in my opinion) I went to an antique mall, bought 6-8 vintage photos of families or individual children whose faces were very clear, took the photos to a copy place, copied them in sepia tones, cut them out, and glued on tiny googly eyes onto the copies' eyes. Inside, just a simple greeting, "Happy Holidays." You can always take any card and write, "Season's Greetings" on it.
This week I saw a great card @ World Market; it was a carved pumpkin sporting a smiling face and the caption read, "Despite outward appearances, I did NOT enjoy that." (Carving implements were scattered about the counter on which it appeared.)