Ha ha! Just saw this on Reddit.
In the comics, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were Magneto's kids, but because Marvel sold off some of their properties, namely the whole concept of 'mutants', these characters were ret-conned into the MCU. Thankfully! Sony, who holds the rights to another Marvel creation, has agreed to allow Spidey appear in the MCU. Hopefully 20th Century Fox will do the same so we can see some interaction with the Fantastic Four.

This is such an exciting time for someone, like me, who grew up surrounded by Marvel and DC comics. I've even met Stan on numerous occasions. You know, that guy who makes a cameo in every Marvel movie and TV show?
In this case, I was talking to him at the Comic-Con when people started gathering. Eventually, a group of people walked up to us, amongst them, Margot Kidder. You know who she is, right? We, the fanboys gathered there, asked if we could get a picture. Just as everyone was about to take their snap I said "Hey Stan, Superman is going to be pissed when he finds out you're groping his woman". Hence the look on their faces. Gonna be a sad day when 'Stan the Man' leaves this plane of existence.