Getting my sister into scary movies.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:00 pm

I agree. "From Hell" had excelent, very creepy atmosphere and told a very creepy story. Of course, how can any story about Jack the Ripper not be creepy? But for some reason, perhaps it was the ending, it was more depressing then scary.


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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:25 pm

I just watched The Last Exorcism on DVD. I think that is a pretty good horror movie. Set in Louisiana, done documentary style. It tells the story of a fraudulent exorcist who intends to reveal his fakery with one last exorcism, and ends up getting more than he bargained for.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:01 pm

From Hell was Awesome. I thought Johnny Depp pulled off the part of inspector Abberline very well and Robbie Coltrane was super too!

Has your sister seen the full length version of Salems Lot with David Soul? It's based on the Stephen King book and there are two versions of the movie out there. It was released as a two night made for TV movie, and that's the one you need to get. The abridged version just doesn't do it justice.

Even though it was made for TV, it has very good special effects and the acting is top drawer all around. The errie manner in how its filmed REALLY MAKES IT SCARY!

There is not really any gore or big time violence, but I promise if you turn down the lights and watch it; when its over you will have to admit its one of the freakiest and scary TV movies you've ever seen, because the acting really is that good.

Remember to get the full length version. It's not that much on Amazon for a used dvd, which is where I got mine.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:33 pm

Murf, I was sort of disappointed with "The Last Exorcism at first, but it did turn out to be quite creepy.

VanHelsing, the original made for tv Salems Lot is one of my all tiem favorite movies and Stephan King stories all around. As you, yourself, pointed out, the acting was excelent, the cinematography was excelent, and even the theme music was quite suitable to the program. I have the full length version on the old style LazorVision discs. Unfortunately my LazorVision player bit the dust, and I'm pretty hard pressed to find some one who canr epair it.

At any rate, that's something that is definately going to find it's way into my Netflix Quey this October.


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