Here in the New Orleans area, some of the parades have been cancelled

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The Duchess
The Duchess wrote:Watching the weather! Severe weather and flash flood watch.
The Duchess
SNAP PUMPKIN56,BABYSAT MY NIECE TOO,WE WATCHED HALLOWEENTOWNPumpkin56 wrote:Babysat the niece last night and watched Corpse Bride and what seemed like endless hours of Nick Jr. with her.
I love Dexter. Such a great show. I got a late start on that one a few years ago and when I would get a few episodes from Netflix, I could never just watch one or two. I'd be up until 2 or 3 in the morning from watching like, 6 episodes at a time!jadewik wrote:Dexter Season 5... I have 2 episodes to go-- will knock those out tonight! Such a crude and interesting show-- I find it odd that you cheer on the main character, who is a serial killer (of serial killers).