remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

What do you do when you Trick or Treat?
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remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by jackskellington17 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:07 pm

it was packed with kids when i was growing up in va door to door it was great and there was lots of costumes and even the adults played along there were jedis fighting and angels and demons batteling the cosmic battle thoes were great times and halloween needs a revival
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Post by MHooch » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:27 am

Amen to that , jackskellington.
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Post by mamawof2 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:08 pm

Trick or treating was the best. Now around here they encourage you to go to these trunk trick or treatings. What fun is that? Walking in a parking lot from car to car.

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Post by Pennywise11 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:19 pm

yeah I heard of these trunk or treat thingys... personally I haven't even seen one around me... but I like the old fashion.. .walking in the dark... tired feet... heavy pillowcase of candy..... hot and sweaty from walking so much even though it is chilly outside.... yep... what kind of a sweat can you work up in a parking lot?....hmmm... get your minds outta the gutter! LOL..
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Dr Strange

Post by Dr Strange » Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:37 pm

My memories of TOT are of packed streets, the scariest houses, the smell of cheap rubber and vinyl costumes, hard plastic masks where the rubber band gets tangled in your hair and the nose holes poke at your nostrils, Halloween masks at the mall, and candy wrappers.

Now I'm sure I'm romantisizing the the whole thing, but as Woody Allen said in Radio Days it's just how I remember it (and choose to remember it).

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Post by Cadaverino » Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:39 pm

Punctuation is your friend, jackskellington17.

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Post by midnight kitty » Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:26 pm

when done correctly, trunk or treating is pretty fun
last yr my daughters' school did it.
here are some good points
-it wasn't done on halloween, so it wasn't replacing tradition ToTing
-everybody decorated their cars and really got into it
-after all the candy was handed out, there were games, rides (inflatable bouncers and slides), and refreshment (other than more candy)

it was great
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Post by saintcloudgirl » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:49 pm

In Scotland when we went trick or treating, we had to sing a little song or a poem before we got a treat. Had to work for the treat! :D
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Post by mandy0221 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:29 pm

Rosie - I remember you posting about that. I think it is a neat idea to trunk or treat! I certainly think it should be done prior to halloween and adding in fun festivities makes it a big event.

I have yet to see this be done anywhere around me.
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Re: remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by Rising Dead Man » Wed May 28, 2008 5:54 pm

At the church Halloween party we did trunk or treating. It was kind of fun but I like trick or treating better.
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Re: remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by Andybev01 » Wed May 28, 2008 6:00 pm

Let's see...

we had no curfew, could go as far as we wanted, multiple times (if we were creative that is).

Then again this was back in dinosaur days :-)
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Re: remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by Hallow's Queen » Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:50 pm

omg i totally wish there was no curfew here that would totally rock !!!

to bad we had to end by 8 or 9 somthing like that
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Post by OctoberChill » Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:24 pm

Dr Strange wrote:My memories of TOT are of packed streets, the scariest houses, the smell of cheap rubber and vinyl costumes, hard plastic masks where the rubber band gets tangled in your hair and the nose holes poke at your nostrils, Halloween masks at the mall, and candy wrappers.

Now I'm sure I'm romantisizing the the whole thing, but as Woody Allen said in Radio Days it's just how I remember it (and choose to remember it).
Ahh the smell of the cheap vinyl costumes and masks. I long for those days. So much for packed streets these days.

It seems like trick or treating is over earlier and earlier every year. We used to be out LATE. Then again we didn't start til it was almost dark. We'd walk so far to get to different neighborhoods that we had problems remembering how to get back home.

It's sad to think I'll never have that feeling again. I mean I'll have it vicariously through my kids one day, but it'll never be me dressing up and going door to door again. Damn adulthood.

I remember Halloween in elementary school. We'd do the little crafts all day, read a scary book and tell everyone what we were gonna be. Then AS SOON as you get in the door at home you put on your costume and just wait til it got dark. So exciting.

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Re: remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by california ghoul » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:44 pm

Halloween has been my favorite holiday since pre-school! I remember all the kids at school getting dressed up, then we would have a Halloween parade at noon where we would walk around the school yard twice and then run into the classroom to have our Halloween party (ie: major sugar rush). Then I would go home and wait for it to get dark so that my dad could take my cousins and I trick or treating. There were soooo many kids out back then and nearly everyone answered their door and passed out candy.
I also remember having to be really creative with my decorating ideas. My parents weren't too crazy about spending money on decorations, so I remember having to come up with creative ways of making spiderwebs out of cotton balls and gravestones out of cardboard boxes and what have you.
I miss the "good old days" so much. From what I've heard the children in elementary school no longer have Halloween parties or the costume parade in our area. At my parent's home we only get 1-2 trick or treaters now, but back when I was younger my mom couldn't sit down for more than 2-3 minutes without hearing the doorbell ring. I know that the local mall hands out candy now, but from what I've heard there aren't that many trick or treaters visiting there either. My fiance bought a home a little south of my parents home and there are so many more trick or treaters there; in fact, we actually ran out of candy and I had to hand out granola bars! :oops: Hopefully, Halloween will make a revival one day soon.
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Re: remember what it used to be like when you were younger?

Post by Andybev01 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:02 pm

*sigh* (getting all weepy now;sniff!)

My family was positively working class so all of our decorations and costumes were one-of-a-kind.

I believe that is how my imagination was nurtured so I wouldn't go back and change a thing.
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