Your progress thus far?

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Castle » Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:47 pm

I haven't set anything up because I don't think I'll be doing anything at my place this year. My friends usually throw crazy parties. But my new neighbor across the street decided to decorate modestly. He put a single grave stone in his field of a front yard. Not sure if he plans on putting more out, but I thought it was funny that he just put one tombstone in the middle of his yard.
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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by MacPhantom » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:13 pm

Maybe that's so he won't forget where he put his wife.

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:20 pm

:lol: :lol:
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As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by joossa » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:24 pm

I have done battery and light testing. I have also working on some new props. However, I still have a lot to do and have not put up anything in the front yard.

Good luck with yours everyone!
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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by JadedFrySon » Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:43 am

I have been working on my 'carnival of the dead' theme since late July. Every year I learn something new about my obsessive hobby; this year I learned alot about pnuematics and electronic control, wiring , and remote control systems. I also discovered liquid latex and foam is really expensive--a 5 gal bucket of rd407 is hundreds of dollars, no wonder animatronics like Krazy Kristen are so expensive!

I hope to post a few videos of my animatronics in action very soon.

Halloween is awesome fun, good luck everybody with your haunts!

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Miss Monster » Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:59 am

tonight I'm going through my prop closet to find matching adapters for all my animatronics. then we're gonna test them all out, make sure there are no shorts. I keep them set up all year round, so after tonight I'll just have to move them to where I want them for the party :)

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by jadewik » Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:18 pm

I know what I'm doing and which boxes have what things I need-- I took photos and labeled the snot out of everything last year.

I'm recycling themes and costumes this year... doing a church party on the 30th... will decide between pirate and witch when I hear more details on the sort of party. The 31st, I'm recycling Mad Science in my garage... which will only be open for 2 hours.

I don't set up outside decorations for Halloween 'till the day of... because I don't want my stuff getting ripped off. I do a modest garage haunt, which is easy to shut down-- I just close the garage in the evening and clean up in the morning. =)

I do need to buy some black painters tarp, some grommets and some hooks for the ceiling-- the grommets and hooks will make it easier to set up and take down the tarp subsequent years. Last year, I just stapled the tarp to the drywall-- but that was before I finished the garage. I also need to print out some medical photos that I found in 2008. I'll be hanging those on the tarp with masking tape.

Other than that-- inside my house stays relatively decorated year-round. Though, I have been considering putting out some garlands and tombstones... just haven't really had time. I finally found time to sew a Halloween skirt I'd cut fabric for 2 years ago! Ugh... so much to do. So little time... Whatever happens, happens.

As long as I have candy and fun by the evening of the 30th, I'll be fine. =)

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by sueluvshalloween » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:04 pm

witchy wrote:I still don't have everything out, my poor sick cat is taking up sooo much of my time, she has a feeding tube, that I have to feed her with for the next month or so. :(

I did go to the pumpkin patch for 2 hours today, that was a blast!! :wink:
Witchy, I'm sorry your cat is sick ... I hope she's feeling better soon!

I've gotten most of my inside decorations up, just a couple of small things here and there that still need done. I've gotten a couple of strands of outdoor lights up, some porch pumpkins out, the scarecrow, skeleton and a few small yard decorations.

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by shanda » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:17 pm


My progress, thus far. I still have the big stuff to get out. AND I haven't even started on the outside! That is the best part.
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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by witchy » Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:39 am

Thanks for the warm wishes sueluvshalloween. My cat will get better soon I hope, it's just a lot of work to get her there!!

Shanda I really like what you did to your mantle!! The tree is very unique too!! :wink:

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Ciuin » Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:15 am

Nice! I love the hands holding the candles.
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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Artgal07 » Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:37 pm

I haven't put anything out yet, but I have a plan where everything will go. I think I'm finished buying new stuff from my favorite stores for Halloween: Michaels and I always end up going to Michaels to see if they have new decorations.

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Re: Your progress thus far?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:51 pm

All my decorations are up, and I carved one jack o'lantern. I will probably carve another one on Sunday.


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