by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:15 pm
My parents were strictly 'old school' when it came to how men were supposed to treat women, and how older brothers were supposed to treat their younger sisters. Back then, my younger sister was particularly squeemish about some things. Spyders, snakes, rats, mice and other 'creepy crawlers' were simply not her forte. Additionaly, she hade a morbid fear of skelitons. Even those little 12 inch tall model skelitons woudl give her night mares. When I brought that skelitol hand home from the Cub Scout Halloween party, I had to stow it in my toy box so she couldn't see it at night, or she would be too scared to go to sleep.
One summer, while we were at a family picnick, she was seated at a picnick bench eating an ear of corn on the cob when my niece, who was only abour 5 at the time walked up to her with a garden snake in her hand. The snakd sort of slithered around, fork tongue oscilating in and out of it's mouth. "Would you like some meat with your corn" she asked. My sister took one look at that snake, and took off like all hell was on her tail.