I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Do you have *real* ghost photos or unexplained photos? This is the section for it.
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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by Spookymufu » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:10 pm

I'll bet that picture would be more interesting if I could see the whole thing on my screen instead of scrolling around it to see it all
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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by MacPhantom » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:26 pm

Andybev01 wrote:My nifty Leica camera is missing any sort of timed exposure, which is very puzzling. My old Kodak was great for that.
I wouldn't buy a camera without one. Too hard to fake ghost pictures. :twisted:

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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:06 pm

Well, let's suppose someone isn't sure of the existance of ghosts. And then suddenly it appears that one just so happened to be in a photograph. Boom, there it is.
It happened that time when we found a photograph of my step grandfather...standing in front of the television. The television was off mind you, and this was the only photograph that had a different reflection in it. And that reflection, clearly resembled my mother's father with his hand over his chair. And he's been dead since she was 11 years old.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by haleysmith » Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:32 am

I didn't see any ghost in the pictures from the beginning of this topic, nothing weird is visible...

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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by Shadows Symphony » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:17 am

You have some great photos there! Very cool. I'll have to dig up some of my pics to share!
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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by Rising Dead Man » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:56 pm

I have to agree with Mac on this one.
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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by MacPhantom » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:30 pm

Just don't make a habit of it. That, my friend, will get you into trouble... :wink:

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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by Andybev01 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:56 pm

haleysmith wrote:I didn't see any ghost in the pictures from the beginning of this topic, nothing weird is visible...
Look closely at Mac's avatar.
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
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Re: I Took A Picture Of A Ghost

Post by jadewik » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:52 pm

MacPhantom wrote:I very much like the composition of your photos, while simultaneously finding them entirely devoid of paranormal phenomena. The inclination of the human brain to see form and familiarity in randomness is a well documented and quite useful feature we have evolved, but the interpretation of that imagery is more likely to be based on personal inclinations and preconceived notions as to the existence of the non empirical world.

... to take this back to the very beginning because I'm a slacker who likes to enter conversations at the last moment... (that and I hate all the bogus claims that bad photography/improper use of a camera/pareidolia is an insta-ghost. Blah!)

That phenomenon Mac is talking about is known as Pareidolia. It is real and, yes, it quite often results in "ghostly images".

I also don't believe the schtick about orbs being ghost either since they are usually bugs, moisture or dust that has gotten too close to the lens and are out of focus, which causes them to blur into orbs. So wherever and whatever you're photographing be it a dewy graveyard, a dusty road or your grandmother's shed, you're likely to see "orbs" in some of your photographs. I went on a ghost walk one time and some woman was just GUSHING over all the Orbs she captured in her photos. "Different colored ones mean different angles are watching over you."... I couldn't believe it. Different colors mean different elements are causing the "orb". Water is usually white or blue. Bugs are commonly green, brown, yellow.... etc.

... and ditto on bigfoot not being lumped with ghosts. Actually, things like Bigfoot, lobisomes, windigo, bunyips, etc. fall into the category of "Cryptozoology", which are mysterious creatures whose existence is supposed but not scientifically proven at this time. They fall into the middle ground between myth and fact.

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