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Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:34 pm
by california ghoul
Anyone else getting bored of all the same old Halloween decorations every year? I keep looking online for new party or decorating ideas, but I feel like I've already seen them all because each website I go to has the same stuff but with different names. Even the stores seem to carry a lot of the same stuff each year. Halloween ideas need to be jazzed up a little bit don't ya think?

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:12 pm
by Morticia
Have you tried online? (Probably a silly question), but I haven't seen any place with more stuff than they have.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:16 pm
by Pumpkin King
Haunt Masters website has some nice stuff. Have you looked at it?

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:03 pm
by Rising Dead Man
This has really cool stuff but it is expensive.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:36 pm
by Andybev01
I'm such a traditionalist that it dosen't matter so much to me.

when it's time to put out all of my stuff it's like opening presents, or greeting old friends.

I have a lot of stuff that I've collected over the years so I don't buy much anymore, but when I do find something really interesting & unique I buy it.

I do agree, though, that there are more places to find stuff now, unfortunately it's just more of the same stuff.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:51 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Andy, are you going to buy more gravestones or are you sticking with those three ones you showed us?

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:11 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
I'd like to see new stuff more ideas. That would be such a sweet job...designing holiday stuff.
At the same time however, it's good in a way that they keep the popular stuff, that way if you missed out on it one year, you can always get it the next year.
I really need to break down and buy me some skull goblets. xx;

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:39 am
by OctoberChill
I see different items each year, but it's usually just a variation of something else. I'm a traditionalist as well. I like the basics. The generic Halloween things. The nostalgic part of it is what I like the most.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:05 pm
by california ghoul
You guys are so right. I do like the tradition of Halloween and putting up the decorations I've saved over time up each year, but darn it it's hard to find new things to post on this forum!
I'll definately check out all those websites...yay!

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:17 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
Well that gives me an idea. I think we should do our own Forum Halloween project, have us come up with our own original Halloween ideas.
I think the Kitty Litter Cake/Surprize is/was an original idea because there's nothing scary about it, it's just looks gross.
But what ideas do you think we could come up with? Maybe a winged black cat, create our own original's hard to be original nowadays but I think we could do it.
If you guys agree to it maybe a new thread could be made for the Forum Halloween Project. :3
Another idea could be to look into what other cultures do for their version of halloween.
The Japanese have Boten week...a week to celebrate the dead! Imagine if Halloween could be for a week instead of one day! And then there's Dia de Muertos in Mexico.
We could also implement other cultures ideas into our Halloween.
It's an idea, what do you guys think?

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:54 pm
by autumnbr33ze
i agree.
that's why i usually make my own dummys from stuff lying around my house.
but some decorations just never get old [:

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:03 pm
by Andybev01
Rising Dead Man wrote:Andy, are you going to buy more gravestones or are you sticking with those three ones you showed us?
I'm not planning on it, but you never know.

My summer kind of got away from me as well, but there is still most of 2 months left...

I might just try putting them in a better spot. The hillside I chose last year was far too large to really show them off.

Either way I'll post pix.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:40 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Why don't you buy or make a bunch of stones and put them on the big hill? That would look so awesome!! I would love to see that! :mrgreen:

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:31 pm
by scorpio 40
we have our traditional items each year with new editions from the stores.
but we tend to make our own items for something new.
this year we have made a wooden book stand for my book of spells . also what looks like a piece of driftwood we have put wooden letters stuck on saying " SALEM'S BAR" which will go above the bar area.
have made a boot hill cross and gravestones made out of plywood just basic shape .
and made a cheap version of beer pong for the garden.

Re: Why is it always the same stuff?!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:37 pm
by HalloweenMelanie
There are certain things that will never go out of style--you'll always see Santa Claus decorations at Christmas, for example--and people love the nostalgia of more or less replicating what they've done in years gone by. But for real Halloweenophiles, we love doing new things. So we're a little different than the norm around here, I think. ;)

I agree that once you've really gotten into making your own decorations...the stuff in the store just doesn't do it for you any more!