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I have the worst luck

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:01 am
by DemonSlayerMau
Yesterday I had a pretty bad's one of those "I should not have gotten out of bed" kind of days. The odd part of it was, it was also my day off. What a way to spend it?
What happened was, I backed out of my drive way...and bam! Another vehecle was also backing out of the driveway kitty-corner to the one I was backing out of. I have to turn a 90 degree angle to back all the way out, and to tell you the truth I've never had this problem before backing out. Ever. And it's always been kind of a difficult place to back out too. I didn't even see her coming...but when I heard that crash...I knew something had happened.
So, I followed her back to her place, neither of us really knew what to do. We went over to my insurance agent, told our story, and she gave them her phone number and information. Fortunately she didn't seem like she wanted to go to court over it, and no one got hurt. It did damage my rear tail light, and part of the side of the car. It's amazing how much abuse this car has had and it still runs! I damaged her driver's side rear tail light and part of her bumper. Man.
But that's not all. After we were done taking care of that situation, I drove to work to get my pay check. And found out I was fifty dollars short on my drawer last night! As if the day hadn't already gone from bad to worst! And if my boss doesn't find out how it ended up fifty dollars short, I'm going to have to pay it back out of my own pocket! At my last job I would've been fired if something like that happened. They wouldn't have tried to investigate it or anything. But at least I'll still get to keep my job right?
And to top it off...I was constipated the entire day.
It just wasn't a fun day at all. I'm just glad it's over.

Re: I have the worst luck

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:15 pm
by iHaunt
Aww that sucks! But I hope you are doing all right.

I remember back in 1996 when I left my friend's apartment, and it was very difficulty getting out of the parking lot because it was too small parking lot. So I backed up, and accidently hit another car and I got out of my car to check that there was no damage at all. Nothing happened. And, I got into my car and left. I had to be careful because it's considered "hit-and-run" thing. :D