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GMAIL - Pass it along

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:30 pm
by Haunt Master
Some haunt and horror forums will not accept ANY new accounts using a GAIL email address from today on. If you know someone who wants to join any forums tell them to get an email account that is NOT from GMAIL.

99.9% of all spammer accounts trying to join any forums are from GMAIL! So it's too much work to look through 100 plus FAKE accounts all from GMAIL to find just one good one, so from now on they just won't accept ANY from GMAIL.

Pass it along if you know someone who wants to join any haunt and horror forums.

Chris aka Haunt Master

Re: GMAIL - Pass it along

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:55 pm
by Rising Dead Man
I have noticed a lot of people join and never post ONCE. I was wondering why they join but never post. Fake accounts huh?

Re: GMAIL - Pass it along

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:06 pm
by Haunt Master
Some people joined GMAIL to spam other boards, then they disappeared. When the admin owner tried to send an email to their GMAIL account and it was return back as undeliverable. Some people like to create FAKE usernames, also create FAKE email addresses before joining! Believe it or not... That's strange! Same thing happened with Yahoo and Hotmail accounts, some people do create fake acccounts too!

Forexample, they created fake accounts to spam something on board, then they disappeared and never heard again. Whoever we tried to contact them to stop spamming again, well, we never heard from them again. Even, when we received some PMs that cannot be able to send because of this problem like fake accounts, you know? Well, they have to stop accepting GMAILS - but keep eye on Yahoo and Hotmail too! :shock:

Re: GMAIL - Pass it along

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:49 pm
by jadewik
If they won't accept my gmail account, then I just won't go there. Heh.

Re: GMAIL - Pass it along

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:05 pm
by Haunt Master
:lol: I know that, and it's hard to tell why everybody won't accept GMAIL emails. You got gmail, so does HalloweenCom! ;)

jadewik wrote:If they won't accept my gmail account, then I just won't go there. Heh.