Do Y'all Like to Fish?...Part 2.

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Do Y'all Like to Fish?...Part 2.

Post by Kolchak » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:47 pm

When I lived in Florida There was a rock quarry near me that had been part of a reclamation project by the state of Florida once the company that was working the site was finished.

The company was required to fill most of the large craters with water and release fish into them for the purpose of making it a public park and public fishing area. They had done this all over the state and these places were turning out not just record numbers of fish, but really big fish too.

My brother-in-law, Jorge (that's George in English) and I were in my boat and fishing one of the bigger quarries that was now an 80 acre lake. My brother-in-law is a brain and works as an accountant, and is not the most gifted outdoorsman. So needless to say I could out fish and out hunt him, whenever we went out. He was always trying to beat me but just couldn't do it.

So we'd been fishing about 3 hours and I was kicking his butt as usual, when he got a hit that doubled his rod over!

He fought the fish for a good 15 minutes before getting it up to the side of the boat. When it finally got close enough we were both in shock. It was a largemouth bass that had to weigh over 13 or 14 pounds. It was huge!

As soon as the fish got near the boat and saw us, it gave a mighty splash with its tail and headed straight for the bottom. No matter what Jorge did he could not get that fish to budge. We realized that the fishing line was wrapped around something and there was no way, save for jumping in the water and untangling the line that he was going to land that fish.

I looked over and he was taking off his shoes and his shirt. I said "What are you doing?" He said, "that's the biggest bass I've ever seen and I'm going to get it and for once beat you!"

I said, "don't be foolish! You don't know what's down there?" He said, "I don't care! I want that fish!"

Before I could I say another word, over the side he went.

He followed the line all the way to the bottom and saw that it was tangled up inside an old car that had been dumped in the lake.

There was his huge bass in the front seat of the car and the line was tangled around the steering wheel.

He came up and took a breath and back down he went.

After a minuted he'd come back to the surface, take a breath and go back down.

He did this 9 times before he was too exhausted to continue, and I had to pull him back into the boat.

He was lying on the bottom of the boat and gasping for breath.

I asked him, "What happened?"

He said, "No matter how hard I try, I just can't get that fish out of the car!"

"WHY!!??" I yelled!

He said, "Because every time I reached in to try and grab the fish....He'd roll the window up."

Have a nice night! :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?...Part 2.

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:27 am

:lol: I was actually believing you, right up until the last line!

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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?...Part 2.

Post by MauEvig » Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:10 pm

Haha, these are good Kolchak. You aught to work as a stand up comedian!

Sounds like Jorge was a bit of a "back seat driver" wasn't he? Well I suppose if it were a dream, his subconscious is telling him that his life is being run by fish. XD I wouldn't feel bad though. I have not caught a fish in my life. Unless you count catching a few minnows swimming in the river with my hands. :lol:
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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?...Part 2.

Post by NeverMore » Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:29 am

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