Do Y'all Like to Fish?

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Do Y'all Like to Fish?

Post by Kolchak » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:53 pm

I love to fish.

I went fishing last weekend and was using live shiners (minnows) and was having some good luck.

I had caught several nice bass when I happened to realize I was out of bait. I looked at the waters edge and saw a cottonmouth moccasin with a frog in his mouth. Frogs make great bass bait. I quickly reached down and grabbed the snake by the neck and removed the frog from its mouth, and put the frog in my bait bucket.

That's when I realized I had a dilemma. Here I was holding a very poisonous snake by the throat and wasn't sure how to release him without being bitten. So I reached into my fishing vest and pulled out my flask of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey. I poured some down the snakes mouth, and the snakes eyes rolled back and his body went limp. I was then able to put the snake safely down.

I went back to fishing.

A few minutes later I felt a nudge to my foot.

I looked down and it was that same darn snake...

With two more frogs in his mouth.

Have a good night. :D :D :D :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:28 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?

Post by MauEvig » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:19 pm

lol Kolchak that story is too funny.

The last time I went fishing was during a fishing derby with my dad when I was still pretty young. We had this huge tent, and I remember cooking hot dogs and hamburgers on the charcoal grill while we stayed overnight. It was early Spring in Upstate New York, so it was still pretty chilly that night. I didn't catch a single fish and a bunch of people kept hogging up the river. I remember using minnows and worms though.

I wouldn't mind going fishing again one day, but now I'm at the age where I'd have to get a fishing license. I have never caught a fish, but I'll keep the frog bait in mind. I've heard some people use chicken livers as well.
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Re: Do Y'all Like to Fish?

Post by NeverMore » Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:11 am

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